Earth Day 2023 - Celebrating 53 Years of Education & Activation

Most people don't even know that Earth Day exists. And even if you do, it's likely you are unaware of what the purpose is for this day. Well, here's the scoop....

Earth Day 2023. Peanut butter almond butter. No palm oil. All natural.

When did Earth Day begin?

1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson. Watch a short video about Earth's Day start.


To inspire Americans to be aware of the water and air pollution situation effecting climate change and availability of natural resources, while giving people a platform to create change through action.

When is Earth Day?

Every year on April, 22nd. 

What is Earth Day now?

A global movement to encourage the educational, economic, social and cultural necessities for environmental rejuvenation. These in-turn, create actions that help proliferate the message of Earth Day.

all natural peanut butter - no palm oil - denver colorado - the pb love company - earth day

It is important for PB Love to recognize Earth Day with this blog post because of the inherent responsibility we have as food manufacturers to do what we can to help reduce our carbon footprint while fulfilling PB Love's purpose - to feed people real delicious food and spread smiles. 

Sustainability is a core value we are committed to. And not only in terms of "going green" when we can, but also with how we operate our business from a social responsibility. 

all natural peanut butter and almond butter. no palm oil. earth day 2023. the pb love company

On this Earth Day, I am encouraging you to begin making changes for a healthier, more vibrant Earth. And it starts with YOU the individual. Because at the end of the day, that is all we can control - our own actions. 

So, what can you do to help? 

First, make a decision - a decision to give a shit about the ground you walk on, the water you drink, the air you breath, and and natural world (plants and animals) that awe you.

Second, take action - there are many simple things you can do to reduce, reuse, and resource the things you feel you need. Here are 10 examples of individual changes that are achievable:

1. Compost your food scraps. 

2. Reduce the use of your vehicle emissions by walking, biking, carpooling, or even using public transportation. Keep up with your vehicles recommended maintenance to keep it running as efficient as possible. 

3. Repair your household items, clothing, and other material goods that are important to you instead of just buying new items all the time. 

4. Shop less on Amazon or, just close your account.

5. Instead, actively support small, local businesses that are committed to sustainability.  ESPECIALLY your food sources. 

6. Eat real, whole foods at home! This means buying foods that have no, or minimal packaging. Cook at home, learn how to garden and reduce your food trail.

7. Exercise and love yourself. The healthier and stronger you feel, the more likely you are to take action. 

8. Start a conversation with your friends, family, neighbors and other communities you are a part of. Talk to them about climate change and the environmental crisis we have been in since the industrial revolution. 

9. Invest in organizations like Earth Day. Remember that every dollar you spend is a vote. A vote that you approve.

10. Get out into nature. No matter where you live, engage with the natural world that is available to you. 

And third - eat more PB Love!  

Happy Earth Day to you all. May it be full of inspiration, motivation, and happy memories. 

Till next time, thank you for reading. 


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