Peaches-n-Cream with Cinnamon Almond Butter

Thousands of pounds of Palisade peaches move through Colorado every season, from about late June through early October.


Photo credits: Morton's Organic Orchards

These juicy peaches make their way to hundreds of popular restaurant kitchens, local grocers, and residents across the state of Colorado.

Here is a wonderfully delicious peaches-n-cream recipe made with Palisade peaches, homemade whipped cream, and stone-ground Cinnamon Almond butter.


Organic heavy whipping cream 
Palisade peaches
PB Love CO Cinnamon Almond butter
Colorado honey
Crushed candied pecans
Organic vanilla extract

peaches-n-cream ingredients for recipe. made with cinnamon almond butter from the pb love company


  1. Whip, on high, 1 cup of chilled heavy whipping cream with 1 tablespoon of Colorado honey and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Transfer to a bowl, place in the fridge.
  2. Separate each peach in half, and remove the pit *try grilling the peach halves for added flavor. Brush each half with oil, and grill for a few minutes on a hot grill.
  3. Fill the pit hole with Cinnamon Almond butter, spread more on surface of the flesh if desired.
  4. Scoop on fresh whipped cream 
  5. Sprinkle crushed candied pecans on top and enjoy!

Peaches-n-cream made with fresh Colorado peaches from Palisades and made with Cinnamon Almond butter by the PB LOVe Company.

A quick, simple, and healthy snack to share during the peak of Colorado peach season. Have fun making it, and post your makings on Instagram and tag us! #pbloveco @pbloveco

Wishing you the happiest of bellies,

The PB Love Company

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